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Stefano Morelli, Veronica Pazzi, Olga Nardini, and Sara Bonati, Framing Disaster Risk Perception and Vulnerability in Social Media Communication: A Literature Review, Sustainability 14, no. 15: 9148.

Nathan Clark, Kees Boersma, Sara Bonati, Chiara Fonio, Simon Gehlhar, Therese Habig, Richard Lüke, StefanoMorelli, Anne Bach Nielsen, Antonio Opromolla, Veronica Pazzi, and Emmanuel Raju, Exploring the impacts of social media and crowdsourcing on disaster resilience, Open Research Europe (2021)

Therese Habig, Richard Lüke, Simon GehlharTorben Sauerland and Daniel Tappe, A Consolidated Understanding of Disaster Community Technologies, ISCRAM 2021 Conference Proceedings – 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (2021)

Nathan Clark, Kees Boersma, Sara Bonati, Chiara Fonio, Simon Gehlhar, Therese Habig, Richard Lüke, StefanoMorelli, Anne Bach Nielsen, Antonio Opromolla, Veronica Pazzi,and Emmanuel RajuStrengthening Disaster Resilience through Social Media and CrowdsourcingISCRAM 2021 Poster Presentation (2021)

Kees Boersma, Rinske Berg, Joris Rijbroek, Petra Ardai, Firoez Azarhoosh, Farnosh Forozesh, Stella de Kort, Anne Josine van Scheepstal and Jan Bos, Exploring the potential of local stakeholders’ involvement in crisis management. The living lab approach in a case study from amsterdam, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 79, 2022,
103179, ISSN 2212-4209, 

Sara Bonati, Olga Nardini, Kees Boersma, and Nathan Clark, Unravelling dynamics of vulnerability and social media use on displaced minors in the aftermath of Italian earthquakes, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 89, 2023,
103632, ISSN 2212-4209,

Olga Nardini, Stefano Morelli, Veronica Pazzi, and Sara Bonati, Social media, vulnerability, and risk perception: three main points for geological disaster management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7967,

Jeroen Wolbers, Willem Treurniet and Kees Boersma, A Decade of Netcentric Crisis Management: Challenges and Future Development, in: Scholl, H.J., Holdeman, E.E., Boersma, F.K. (eds) Disaster Management and Information Technology. Public Administration and Information Technology, vol 40. Springer, Cham. 

Anne Bach Nielsen, Sara Bonati, and Nina Blom Andersen, Discover the dynamics: An intersectional analysis of overt and hidden vulnerabilities to flood risk in urban Denmark, Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 237, 2023, 104799, ISSN 0169-2046,

Anne Bach Nielsen, Dario Landwehr, Juliette Nicolaï, Tejal Patil and Emmanuel Raju, Social media and crowdsourcing in disaster risk management: Trends, gaps, and insights from the current state of research, Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy 1–24,

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