16 OCTOBER – Integrating Social Media and Crowdsourcing into Disaster Risk Management
9:30 – 9:45: Introduction AND WELCOME
Kees Boersma and Nathan Clark (Vrije University Amsterdam)
9:45 – 10:00: DGHOME
Philippe Quevauviller
10:00 – 10:30: Keynote
Christian Reuter – Technische Universität Darmstadt
10:30 – 10:45: BREAK
10:45 – 11:45: PANEL 1 – Integrating Social Media into Risk and Crisis Communications
Social media increasingly plays a role in disaster risk management and can be an effective tool for communication with communities before, during and after crises. However, we now know that to have effective communication among practitioners and citizens on SM platforms, emergency organizations need to invest in strategies, trainings, and technological capacities which can facilitate targeted and two-way communication processes. This panel looks deeper into the challenges, practices, solutions, and conditions needed for effectively engaging with communities through social media in crises.
Moderator: Kees Boersma (Vrije University Amsterdam)
Panelists: Maike Vollmer (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft), Maria Richardt Schoop (Greater Copenhagen Fire Department), Elena Rapisardi (Science Communication Expert)
11:45 – 12:00: BREAK
12:00 – 13:00: PANEL 2 – Addressing Misinformation and Disinformation in Crisis Management
In this panel, three experts and practitioners in the fields of disaster risk management and crisis management will discuss the issue of misinformation and disinformation in relation to the use of social media and crowdsourcing in disasters. We will explore some of the main findings from the LINKS project and discuss how organisations working with disasters and crises can deal with the risk “false information” poses to their operation. This panel touches on solutions, and examples from real-life cases and provides different regional and sectorial perspectives to the topic of dis- and misinformation in disaster and crisis management.
Moderator: Emmanuel Raju (University of Copenhagen)
Panelists: Nadejda Komendantova(International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), Annika Hamachers (Germany Police University), Harith Alani (The Open University)
13:00 – 14:00: LUNCH
14:00 – 15:00: PANEL 3 – Engaging the Crowd: Integrating “Crowdsourcing” into Disaster Risk Management
The panel will involve three researchers specialized in finding practical solutions on how to efficiently involve citizens in the disaster and risk management process, with a specific focus on the use of digital resources (i.e. crowdsourcing and social media). The panel will provide the opportunity to have an open discussion on different perspectives and scientific methods aimed to find solutions to engage with citizens in times of crisis.
Moderator: Camilla Froio (University of Florence)
Panelists: Martina Ragosta (SINTEF), Monica Trentin (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Giuseppe Lelow (Università Politecnica delle Marche)
15:00 – 15:15: BREAK
15:15 – 16:30: Workshop: Deep Dive into the Including Citizens Handbook / Parallel Exhibition Center of LINKS Results
The workshop on the Including Citizens Handbook will represent an opportunity to deep dive into one of the products developed within the LINKS project. It is an online platform designed for practitioners, policy makers, and scholars, that provides tools, guidelines, and actions on how to better engage with citizens in times of crisis. The workshop will be dealing with two out of four legs of the product, that is the section on How to make information accessible, and the one on How to mobilise citizens. The participants will be required to navigate through the section they chose and then they will be engaged in an open discussion on the main features of the product.
Camilla Froio (University of Florence), Olga Nardini (University of Florence)
16:30: Conclusion
17 OCTOBER – Feel Safe: a Child-Centred Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction
10:00 – 10:30: OPENING REMARKS
Raffaela Milano (Italy-Europe Programmes and Advocacy Director)
Nello Musumeci (Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policy)
Immacolata Postiglione (Deputy Head of the Italian Civil Protection Department)
10:30 – 11:45: PANEL 1 – Child Friendly Risk and Crisis Communication
The panel involves experts in the field of civil protection, disaster management and education who are particularly outstanding for their commitment to promote children’s rights in emergencies. The panelists will present their views on how to move towards more effective risk and crisis communication solutions adapted to children. They will give an account of the state of the art in this sector and inspire us with courageous ideas to make children safer and readier but also more actively engaged into the overall goal of promoting a culture of civil protection.
Moderator: Chiara Bianchini (Journalist and Disaster manager)
Panelists: Giovanna Barbieri (Director Ministry of Education and Merit), Paolo Masetti (ANCI national representative for civil protection), Romano Camassi (Researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology), Danilo Calabrese (President of Lares – Unione Nazionale laureati esperti in protezione civile)
11:45 – 12:00: BREAK
12:00 – 13:00: PANEL 2 – The importance of child-friendly disaster risk management strategies
The panel involves regional, local institutions and experts who have collaborated with Save the Children on all phases of the disaster cycle management promoting the participation and protection of minors. The speakers will present experiences and their vision for the dissemination of more inclusive practices across the country to promote risks’ awareness and better protection of the needs and rights of children in emergency.
Moderator: Chiara Bianchini (Journalist and Disaster Manager)
Panelists: Carmelo Tulumello (Director, Civil Protection Agency of Lazio Region), Giuseppe Napolitano (Director, Civil Protection Department of the City of Rome), Martina Laghi (Councilor for Education and Sport, City of Faenza), Beniamino Sidoti (Writer, Journalist, and Author)
13:00 – 14:00: LUNCH
14:00 – 15:15: PANEL 3 – Disaster Preparedness Education: innovative practices
Promoting a culture of disaster preparedness is a global priority. It is paramount to promote disaster preparedness education in all educational contexts in order to reduce children’s and young people vulnerability to disasters. In this panel, experts will provide us with global perspectives from Japan, USA, Italy and the Netherlands on how to approach disaster education and they will share innovative practices in this field, mixing new technologies and more traditional approaches.
Moderator: Flaminia Cordani (Head of Emergency Unit, Save the Children Italy)
Panelists: Abel Táiti Konno Pinheiro (Kobe University Center for Resilient Design and The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Museum – Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution), Finian Joyce (Chief Fire Officer of Leitrim Fire and Rescue Service and Manager for the Be Fire Safe at School Project), Lenka Simeckova (operation officer of the fire-brigade in Karlovy Vary and Manager of the World of Rescuers Project), Mezquita Militza (Education in Emergency Expert, Save the Children USA), Gianluca Ranzato (Humanitarian Strategist, Save the Children Italia)
12:00 – 15:30: Feel Safe Challenge
Children from the school IC G. Fanciulli are divided into 5 teams and experience Feel Safe by engaging in educational and playful which will focus on Vulnerability, Preparedness, Awareness, Communication and Earthquake hazard (with the special participation of Movimento Giovani per Save the Children and Volunteers from LARES Italia). Feel Safe is an educational website on disaster risk reduction developed by Save the Children within the LINKS project.